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Can Almond Milk Cause Gas? (+3 Storage Tips)

Are you a fan of dairy-free beverages like almond milk but find yourself feeling gassy afterward? If so, don't worry; it's entirely normal! Many people experience digestive discomfort when they consume such products for the first time.

In this blog post, we'll explore why that happens with specific reference to one popular option in particular — almond milk. As well as explaining what causes these symptoms, we will also provide three handy storage tips that should help reduce their severity over time!

What is Almond Milk?

Almond milk has become increasingly popular over recent years due to its creamy texture and rich flavor profile. It's an excellent alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or looking to avoid animal-based products altogether.

But how exactly is it made?

The process begins by soaking raw almonds overnight before blending them into a smooth paste-like consistency with water added gradually until desired thickness is achieved (sometimes sweeteners are added too). The mixture then goes through straining processes which extract any remaining solids from the liquid resulting in silky-smooth drinkable product- our beloved "almond"milk 

Can Consuming Almond Milk Really Cause Gas?

Yes! Drinking large amounts of nondairy alternatives may lead to bloating, flatulence even cramping because many individuals' bodies struggle digesting certain components found within plant food groups known as FODMAPS.


Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharide And Polyols - commonly referred  collectively under acronym 'FODMAPs'. 

These molecules pass undigested via small intestines where microbiome ferments on reaching colon leading fermentation production gases hydrogen carbon dioxide methane

This reaction often leads excess intestinal air volume causing pressure buildup painful abdominal distension

If consumed regularly without taking proper precautions like portion control and mindful eating practices gut flora gets used ferment foods more efficiently reducing chance gastrointestinal upset including diarrhea constipation reflux etc.

How To Store Your Plant-Based Beverages Correctly:

Storing non-dairy milks correctly could be key minimizing potential side effects caused by consumption.Follow below mentioned suggestions:


    1) Always read labels carefully

        Brands come up different variations additives preservatives sugars thickening agents depending intended use eg .cooking baking frothing coffee tea drinking straight out carton knowing ingredients included would give indication shelf life once opened refrigerated


    2) Keep Them Refrigerated


         Once bottles/packages open keep refrigeration temperatures between °34 –°40 Fahrenheit(°1–4 Celsius)


     This helps extend lifespan freshness preventing bacterial growth spoilage


   Remember shake containers gently always check expiry dates



      Tip : Freeze leftover portions wont fit fridge ice cube trays perfect storing smaller quantities allowing longer term preservation Freezing alters texture slightly recommend using thawed liquids cooking rather than drinking directly



Final Thoughts:


       Although delicious healthy choice unlike cow’s mild does contain naturally occurring substances capable affecting sensitive stomachs e.g., proteins fibers carbohydrates fats minerals vitamins antioxidants enzymes tannins polyphenols flavones saponins phytic acid oxalic acid lectin gluten casein whey hormones antibiotics steroids pus cells bacteria viruses parasites herbicides pesticides fungicides disinfectants cleaning fluids artificial colors flavors sweeteners other chemicals toxins heavy metals radiation exposure electrical pollution magnetic fields microwaves wifi cell phone towers


That being said if enjoyed moderation along sensible diet exercise habits there no reason cannot beneficial part balanced lifestyle