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Why Do They Call Ketchup Ketchup?

 Why Do They Call Ketchup Ketchup?

The Fascinating Tale of America's Favorite Condiment

Ketchup is one of the most popular and versatile condiments in today’s world. From fries to burgers, hot dogs to eggs, it has become a staple part of our diet. But have you ever wondered how ketchup got its name?

The Origin Story: Etymology Of The Word "Ketchup"

The word “ketchup” has an interesting etymology that spans centuries and continents.

One theory suggests that it originated from the Malay word "kechap" or "kicap" which means fish sauce. Another theory proposes that it came from Hokkien Chinese dialect, where “keh-chiap” refers to a type of fish sauce.

An English theory claims that ketchup was derived from “catchup,” an old verb meaning ‘to soak bread in liquor’. However, this connection between catchup and modern-day ketchups remains disputed among scholars.

Early Forms Of Ketchups

Before tomato-based ketchups became popularized worldwide as we know them today, early versions were made with mushrooms or walnuts as their base ingredients depending on region-specific availability.

Evolution Of Tomato-Based Ketchups In America

In 1834 Dr John Cook Bennett recorded the first recipe for tomato-based ketchup; however it wasn't until H.J Heinz launched his product called 'Heinz Tomato Catsup' in 1876 when tomatoes truly started becoming incorporated into American-made condiments. Tomato-based catsup quickly gained widespread popularity due to its sweet-and-sour taste profile along with being regarded healthier than other sauces like mayonnaise since tomatoes are rich in vitamins C & D while containing low amounts of fat. Today Heinz continues to be one of top-selling brands globally selling over $2 billion worth each year alone!

Fun Facts About KetchuP

There are many fun facts associated with this beloved red liquid! For instance did you know Americans spend more than $800 million annually on purchasing bottles/cans at their local grocery stores? Or how President Reagan declared National Catfish Day after trying fried catfish served alongside spicy tartar-katsup?


While there is no conclusive answer about why they call it ‘ketchup’, what we do know is how much people love using this tangy sauce throughout history – even if they can’t explain exactly where its origins lie! So next time you’re enjoying your favorite snack or meal accompanied by some tasty dollops make sure take minute think about all those who've played role bringing us such deliciousness over years gone by!


What Is The Difference Between Catsup And Ketc h up?
Although often used interchangeably both words refer same thing: a tomato based mixture consisting vinegar,sugar,salt & spices .

2.Can Homemade Tomatoes Be Used To Make A Perfect Batch Of Ke t ch u p ?
Yes homemade fresh ripened tomatoes can definitely be used perfect batches just requires bit extra effort compared store-bought varieties

3.How Long Does An Opened Bottle/Can Last In Refrigerator Before Going Bad?
Usually lasts around six months , but keep eye out any mold growths forming surface - discolorations etc.. If seen discard immediately