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Why Don’t My Cookies Spread Out During Baking?


Why Don’t My Cookies Spread Out During Baking?

Baking cookies is a fun and delicious activity, but sometimes your cookies don't turn out the way you expect. One common issue is when your cookies don't spread out during baking. In this article, we'll explore some of the reasons why this might happen and what you can do to fix it.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Reasons why cookies don't spread out
  • How to fix cookies that don't spread out
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


When you're baking cookies, you expect them to spread out and become flat and chewy. However, if your cookies stay in little balls or don't spread out very much, it can be disappointing. There are several reasons why this might happen, and we'll explore them below.

Reasons why cookies don't spread out

  1. Too much flour - If you add too much flour to your cookie dough, it can make the dough too dry and dense. This can prevent the cookies from spreading out during baking.

  2. Not enough fat - The fat in your cookie dough helps the cookies spread out during baking. If you don't use enough fat, your cookies might not spread out as much.

  3. Too much sugar - Sugar can also affect how much your cookies spread out. Too much sugar can make your cookies too dry and prevent them from spreading out.

  4. Overmixing - If you overmix your cookie dough, it can make the dough tough and prevent it from spreading out properly during baking.

  5. Not enough leavening - Leavening agents like baking powder and baking soda help your cookies rise and spread out during baking. If you don't use enough leavening, your cookies might not spread out enough.

How to fix cookies that don't spread out

  1. Adjust the recipe - If you think you added too much flour, sugar, or not enough fat, you can adjust the recipe to fix the ratio. Use less flour, more fat, or less sugar next time.

  2. Chill the dough - Chilling the dough before baking can help it spread out properly during baking. This is especially true if the dough is warm or if the recipe has a high fat content.

  3. Flatten the dough - You can try flattening the dough with a spoon or your hand before baking. This can help the cookies spread out more during baking.

  4. Use a different recipe - If you've tried adjusting the recipe and the cookies still aren't spreading out enough, you might want to try a different recipe.


Cookies that don't spread out during baking can be disappointing, but there are several reasons why this might happen. If you're having trouble with your cookies not spreading out, try adjusting the recipe, chilling the dough, flattening the dough, or using a different recipe.


  1. How long should I chill my cookie dough before baking?
  • This depends on the recipe, but typically you should chill the dough for at least 30 minutes to an hour.
  1. Can I add more leavening to my cookie dough to make it spread out more?
  • It's best to follow the recipe, but you can experiment with adding more leavening to see if it helps.
  1. Can I still eat cookies that don't spread out during baking?
  • Yes, you can still eat cookies that don't spread out, but they might have a different texture than you were expecting.
  1. How can I tell if my cookie dough has too much flour?
  • If your cookie dough is dry and crumbly, it might have too much flour.
  1. Can I use a different type of fat in my cookie dough?
  • Yes, you can experiment with using different types of fat,