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Why is My Tomato Sauce Orange: Reasons and Solutions


Why is My Tomato Sauce Orange: Reasons and Solutions

Tomato sauce is a savory sauce made from tomatoes and used as an ingredient in many dishes, including pasta sauces, soups, stews, casseroles, and pizza toppings. If you are new to making your own tomato sauce, you may be surprised to find it orange. Don't worry, it’s not bad, and in terms of flavor, it’s just the way it should be. There are several reasons why your tomato sauce may be orange, and in this article, we will explain the causes and how to avoid them in the future.

Why is my tomato sauce orange?

The color of tomato sauce depends on the type of tomato used, the ripeness of the fruit, and how long the sauce was cooked. Tomato sauces are typically yellowish or orangey in color because of the presence of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein. These compounds give the tomato sauce its bright red color. Furthermore, these compounds also help protect against cancer by preventing cell damage caused by free radicals.

However, orange tomato sauce is often due to oxidation. Oxidation occurs when oxygen combines with certain substances to form oxidized products. When food is exposed to air, some of the molecules within the food become unstable and break apart into smaller pieces called free radicals. Free radicals have unpaired electrons and they react easily with other chemicals. This reaction damages cells and DNA.

Tomato sauce can transform into orange when blended, since the natural pigment will seem orange rather than red. It includes some air. This is particularly true when the skins of the tomatoes are left because they contain the greatest pigment. Underripe tomatoes are another cause. Although they seem red, many tomatoes don’t mature completely. In the following section, we will explain it all in more depth. First of all, let’s speak about the orange hue a little bit.

Reasons for Orange Tomato Sauce and Solutions

  1. Too much air

When making tomato sauce, there must always be enough liquid so that everything cooks evenly. If you add too much water, the mixture won’t cook properly. As a result, the end product will taste bland. A mixer is the most frequent cause of orange tomato sauce. The effect is the same whether it is standing or an immersion mixer. The blades smash the components and bathe in considerable air. You may have noticed that creamy foamy soups are coming out. The same applies to tomato sauce, and the orange has been made into the sauce by the small air bubbles betas. You can try to simmer the sauce down to eliminate some of the extra air for a few minutes. The hue should go a bit deeper, but it could not be returned to light red.

  1. Skins left on

The skin contains large amounts of pigments, which gives them their characteristic colors. However, the skin does not contribute anything else to the flavor of the sauce. Therefore, it is best to remove it before blending. Otherwise, the sauce will turn orange. If you want to make sure that the sauce doesn’t get any darker after removing the skins, place the blender jar inside a pot filled with boiling water. Turn off the heat once the water reaches 100 degrees Celsius.

  1. Underripe tomatoes

Many tomatoes don’t mature completely, even if they seem red. Underripe tomatoes contain fewer pigments, which results in a lighter color. If you use underripe tomatoes, your tomato sauce will be orange. To avoid this, make sure that your tomatoes are ripe before making the sauce. Ripe tomatoes are soft to the touch and have a slightly sweet aroma.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why your tomato sauce may be orange. The most common reasons are too much air incorporation during cooking, using unripe or low-quality tomatoes, and adding too much carrot or other vegetables to the sauce. To avoid orange tomato sauce, it is important to properly cook the sauce, use high-quality ripe tomatoes, and be mindful of the amount of vegetables added. With these tips in mind, you can achieve a delicious red tomato sauce every time.