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Are Banana Spiders Poisonous? (+5 Spider Facts) | All You Need to Know

Are you afraid of spiders?

If yes, then don't worry. It's common for people to have arachnophobia (fear of spiders). But do you know that there is a spider named "Banana Spider," which can make your heart skip a beat?

Yes, the name itself sounds scary! So let's find out what exactly it means and whether they're dangerous or not.

Here we go - 

#1 What are Banana Spiders?


The term "banana spider" refers to two different types of tropical American orb-weaver spiders – genus Nephila Clavipes also called Joro spider in Japan. These species got their names from their yellowish color like ripe bananas-like appearance.


These big guys love warm climates but mostly found lurking around Florida, Texas & other southern states with humid weather conditions where they spin large webs between trees branches typically near waterways such as rivers and lakes.

Fun Fact #1- Their webs can be up to three feet wide!



#2 Is A Bite From A Banana Spider Dangerous?


Now comes the question everyone wants an answer too; Yes , Bananas spidere bites are venomous however rarely fatal since its venom isn’t toxic enough humans . They usually only bite when provoked so unless one feels threatened by someone invading into its space chances getting biten is quite low .

Despite this fact still better if avoided as depending upon individual’s health status symptoms may vary ranging from mild stinging sensation at injection site followed by redness rash fever nausea vomiting abdominal cramps etc lasting upto few hours .


So , although considered harmless within reason never hurts take precautions especially while living in areas known harbor them either inside/outside home environment including wearing shoes/gloves protective clothing avoid contact altogether whenever possible directly handling under any circumstance.

 Fun Fact #2- Most victims bitten seldom realize until much later due lack pain receptors located wound area

 #3 How Do I Identify Them Then?

Size matters ! Adult female banana/spider has body length measuring roughly 4 cm excluding legs width span approximately seven centimeters across !

Its distinctive bright-yellow markings contrasts dark/black colouration makes easy spot amongst green leafy surroundings unlike males who smaller duller looking compared counterparts.

 Fun Fact #3 - Males often sacrifice themselves after mating process complete eaten alive help nourish next generation offspring

#4 Diet Of The Famous Arachnid

Like many other orb-web weaving family members diet consists mainly insects beetles grasshoppers moths flies bees butterflies etc caught sticky traps spun webbing provided sufficient nutritious value sustain growth development reproductive cycle throughout lifespan .

Fun Fact #4:- Scientists recently discovered some older existed dinosaurs might’ve been part dietary staple!

#5 Importance In Culture And Folklore

In certain regions Latin America Caribbean Asia Africa folklore beliefs exist surrounding significance presence banana/ golden silk orbweavers played history myths legends stories passed generations among indigenous communities time immemorial 

For Example:

* Brazil natives believed seeing group hanging tree branch signified good luck prosperity wealth coming way soon !

* Costa Rica legend says carrying picture wallet charms banishes bad spirits negative energy warding harm away wearer reducing stress anxiety levels significantly improving overall well-being happiness!

Interesting right ? Who knew something feared would actually hold significant cultural relevance.


So now hopefully feel more informed regarding infamous arthropod commonly encountered various parts world specifically Americas tropics included USA Canada Mexico everyones favorite topic “are harmful?” Well truth told unlikely pose life-threatening risk majority situations thus shouldn’t cause undue alarm instead recommend awareness respect keep safe distance observe admire afar without disturbing habitat appreciate nature provides us things sometimes overlooked small tiny yet integral components ecosystem collectively contribute balance harmony wellbeing planet earth.


Q1) Why are they called 'banana' spiders?

A: The term ‘bananaspider’ derived reference striking resemblance ripened peelings combined bright coloring mature fruit /peel giving impression visually similar hence nickname stuck ever since.

Q2) Where Can We Find This Species?

A : Commonly native habitats Central-South America countries Amazon rainforest particular largest concentration worldwide existence reaches Southern United States specially southeastern coastal regions including Florida Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Maryland Delaware New Jersey Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Maine even occasionally sighted south-eastern corner Canadian province Ontario.

 Q3 ) Should I Be Worried If Found One At Home?

A : Not necessarily always remember prefer outdoors natural setting spinning intricate therefore advisable leave alone stay clear nevertheless control measures available necessary eradicate infestations homes residential properties requiring professional pest management services assist removal prevention future reoccurring issues occurring again.

 Q4 ) How Long Does Venom Last After Biting Human Skin?

A : Normally last several hours days severity varying based individuals immune system response level toxicity present within bloodstream injected initial puncture wound inflicted skin affected region discomfort swelling localized reactions occur treated topical ointments antihistamines counteract itching irritation caused allergic reaction however medical attention sought severe cases involving breathing difficulties seizures paralysis organ failure death could result should immediate emergency room hospital accessed quickly possible seek assistance accordingly.

 Q5) Any Similar Looking Relatives Around World Which Might Confuse General Public Identification Process When Encountering Site

Actually no closest resembling regularly mistaken Golden Orb Weaver Australia owing similarities physical characteristics size shape mannerism behavior patterns observed making difficult discern differences expert entomologists zoologist trained eye distinguish apart easily ascertainable traits distinguishing factors namely pattern placement abdomen eyes leg movement speed agility skill strength required capture prey daily basis differ greatly despite superficial outward appearances apparent resemblances shared morphology physiology unique attributes sets distinctly stand rest pack!