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How to Make Perfectly Crispy French Toast Every Time

Why Is My French Toast Soggy? 4 Reasons & How To Fix It

There's nothing quite like a delicious plate of warm, fluffy french toast for breakfast that makes you feel energized and ready for the day ahead. However, there's nothing worse than biting into a piece of soggy french toast that has been ruined by improper preparation techniques! So if you've ever wondered why your homemade french toast isn't turning out as well as you'd hoped, here are some common culprits along with tips on how to avoid them:

1. The Bread Is Too Fresh Or Soft

One major reason behind sogginess in french bread is using fresh or soft bread which quickly absorbs excess egg mixture during frying process resulting in an unappetizing texture.

To solve this issue try switching over firmer denser varieties such as brioche/challah slices; ideally letting them sit overnight so they can dry-out slightly (not too much though keep things balanced!)

2.Incorrect Egg Mixture Ratio 

Another frequent cause leading towards overly moist inside outsides crusts ill-fitting taste-profiles lies within improperly mixed egg-milk combination ratios used when soaking/bathing raw slices before cooking takes place…

As general rule thumb always mix one part milk per each two beaten eggs whisked together thoroughly beforehand without lumps present ensuring even distribution throughout finished dishes!

3.Cooking On Low Heat For Too Long 

Cooking at low heat ensures thoroughness but unfortunately also leads toward undesired results especially where fried foods are concerned!

When pan-frying battered items such like chicken breasts/fish fillets etcetera hot temperatures required achieve perfect golden-brown appearance/crisp exterior whilst juicy tender interior remain intact 

Apply same reasoning while preparing scrumptious pieces breakfast classic avoiding using lower-than-necessary settings besides taking adequate care not overcrowd pans/griddles either otherwise unwanted steaming occurs leaving us underwhelmed final outcomes.

4.Improper Draining Of Excess Liquid Before Serving  

Last but not least - make sure all extra liquid drained properly from cooked/toasted slices prior serving/eating causes rapid moisture accumulation preventing desired crisp textures achieved earlier steps mentioned above.

Always use paper towels/drainage racks/plates absorb any remaining juices leaving only perfection underneath!

In Conclusion:

French toast offers endless possibilities regarding flavor profiles toppings presentation styles plus plenty room experimentation creativity culinary-wise…

But remember getting basics right first key achieving ultimate success next level kitchen-craftsmanship journey improving mastery skills overtime showcasing talents family friends alike creating lasting memories cherished years come…so get cracking those eggs today start practicing till perfection attained!